
ANW III series

Opposing twin spindle lathe - ANW III Series

Fuji's unique highly rigid opposing twin spindle lathe has been improved.

The opposing twin spindle design and high rigidity of the machine allows for both rough machining on the first spindle and finished machining on the second spindle to produce high quality finished parts.

Additionally, our FUJI built swing-arm robot is included as standard which provides the optimal automation solution.


Shaft work is supported with the built-in type tailstock (option)

ANW III Series can be optionally equipped with a tailstock for 130 mm strokes and can machine a shaft work piece up to 315 mm length.

Swing arm robot

The swing arm robot reduces the amount of coolant and chip evacuation out of the machine since it travels inside the cover.

Auxiliary loader (option)

The auxiliary loader, which is equipped on the Z-axis slide, removes the machined work piece from the main-axis chuck. Next, the robot places a new work piece to the main-axis chuck and receives the machined work piece from the auxiliary loader.。

Live tool

Live tool rotates up to 4000.

Note:Live tool specification

New operation panel ”Feons”

FUJI original operation screen with improved operability and maintainability.

Intuitive operation is possible by integrating the lamp and button.

Global support by switching between multiple languages.

Equipped with iHMI as standard. Interactive-style programming supports high-mix low-volume production.

Tool Load Monitoring & Broken Tool Detection Function (Option)

This system monitors the spindle motor load and amperage to detect abnormal tool loads during cutting.

Two types of Tool Load Monitoring & Broken Tool Detection Function are available: "ILM Light", For High Accuracy Tool Load & Breakage Detection Monitoring and "SLM", For Simple Tool Load & Breakage Detection Monitoring.

Choose from a wide variety of options





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