
Sustainability promotion framework

The corporate value improvement committee was established in February 2018 with the goal of enhancing the corporate value of the company, aiming to make it a great place to work and to strengthen the brand. In April 2022, the name was changed to "Sustainability promotion committee" to promote management based on a sustainability perspective.

The "Sustainability promotion committee" is chaired by the President and COO, and its members include executive directors, non-executive directors, and executive officers. Subcommittees are set up at lower organization levels to discuss and decide on sustainability initiatives such as corporate branding, technological innovation, environmental awareness, social contribution, and employee engagement, and to quickly deploy these initiatives to each division and subsidiary.
Corporate auditors and external auditors attend the "Sustainability promotion committee" as observers.



Sustainability promotion committee activity
Period covered April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024
Meeting times 6
Agenda ・Explaining carbon neutral initiatives
・Discussing establishing carbon neutral goals
・Reporting on production reforms at Okazaki factory
・Reporting on employee engagement survey
・Discussing the human resources strategy
・Discussing materiality creation
Period covered April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023
Meeting times 8
Agenda ・Reporting on activities related to open innovation
・Reporting on initiatives to disclose information in line with the TCFD recommendations and to reduce CO₂ emissions
・Discussing human resources strategy
・Reporting the current status of ESG information disclosure and discussing future initiatives
・Reporting on digital transformation (DX) human resource development programs
・Reporting on data usage
・Discussing the current status and issues of side businesses
・Reporting on issues and policies for supply chain development
Period covered April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022
Meeting times 7
Note: This is the number of meetings held previously by the corporate value improvement committee (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022)
Agenda ・ Reporting the current status of contributions to SDGs
・ Discussing corporate branding strategy
・ Reporting on environmental initiatives and preparations for TCFD recommendations
・ Reporting on the results of social contribution activities and discussing future activities
・ Reporting on the use of the telework and flextime systems by employees and discussing how to make work easier and more rewarding
・ Reporting on efforts to improve employee communication skills and minimize the need for meetings
・ Discussing the status of Industrial Engineering human resource development for employees engaged in production and future development strategies
Project list

To promote sustainability, the following project was launched to clear concrete issues for a limited period of time.

Human capital project


This project is aimed at swiftly implementing new initiatives, such as providing training programs for managers and establishing a career design consultation point, in addition to introducing an internal double-duty system and conducting periodic employee engagement surveys.

Subcommittees list

Branding subcommittee


This committee is committed to embodying the corporate message "innovative spirit", working to increase Fuji's brand exposure and make it more familiar to the public, as well as strengthening internal branding.

Open innovation subcommittee


This committee investigates a variety of markets and examines potential synergies to generate with its mission of expanding Fuji’s operations and creating new businesses, and develops talents and teams that can take actions for commercialization, of which includes collaboration and investment.

Environmental awareness subcommittee


The committee promotes initiatives to address environmental issues and disclose the results of these initiatives in an appropriate manner, with the aim of gaining recognition from our stakeholders.

Health and wellbeing promotion subcommittee


With the Fuji Health and Productivity Declaration as our base for promoting healthcare, this committee is promoting activities that lead to maintaining and enhancing employees' health.

Presentation skill betterment sub committee


This committee is working to establish Fuji's own presentation techniques and establish them within the company. The committee promotes the improvement of communication skills with the aim of mastering understandable communication.

Off-duty activity promotion subcommittee


This committee aims to encourage employees who have hobbies and interests in common to interact with each other beyond their job classification and department in order to enrich their lives.

Meeting efficiency promotion subcommittee


This committee has a mission to find and eliminate wasteful office meetings. The committee is promoting the efficiency of meetings through increasing awareness of their meeting guidelines such as making necessary meetings shorter with a reduced number of members, and introducing web-based channels.

IE professional training subcommittee


This committee is creating a structure contributive to future profit through facilitation to pervade manufacturing technology using IE (Industrial Engineering) methods within the company and activities to change the mindset of manufacturing.

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