
Society | Relationship with Shareholders and Investors

Policy for constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors

Fuji has established a point of contact for dialogue with shareholders, where the representative director, executive officers in charge, and other representatives are actively engaged in dialogue. Fuji strives to achieve constructive dialogue by developing IR activities that emphasize fairness, accuracy, and continuity, and serve good two-way communication regarding business strategies, divisional strategies, financial information, and other matters.

  • Quarterly financial results briefings are basically provided by the representative director and executive officers in charge. We communicate with stockholders and investors through various means such as the representative director and executive officers in charge attending different types of conferences and through international investor relations.
  • Information disclosure is made in a timely, fair, and appropriate manner by the department responsible for overseeing the information gathering, management, and disclosure in cooperation with related departments.
  • In order to relay shareholder views in to management, Fuji ensures that important feedback matters are reported to the board when they arise.
  • In order to prevent leaking of financial results and ensure fairness, a quiet period will be arranged by Fuji to refrain from providing answers to or comments on inquiries related to financial results during this period. In addition, Fuji implements comprehensive information management in accordance with its internal information management regulations and strives to control insider information.
  • Fuji's website is maintained with the intention that information such as business overview and financial information is disclosed in a timely and easy-to-understand manner.

(Achievements in fiscal 2024)

IR activities Number of times Number of participants
IR activitiesFinancial results briefing Number of times4 Number of participants381
IR activitiesHold meetings with individual analysts and institutional investors (virtually or by phone) on as needed Number of times187 Number of participants292
IR activitiesParticipate in online conferences for institutional investors in Japan and overseas and hold talks with them Number of times2 Number of participants28
IR activitiesParticipate in IR events for individual investors Number of times1 Number of participants337
Shareholder return policy

During the period of the medium-term management plan from fiscal 2025 to 2027, we will set the dividend payout ratio of 50% or more with a minimum annual dividend per share of 80 yen as a basic policy, as we position the continuous return of profits to shareholders as one of the most important management policies, while considering the capital needs for future business development.
In addition, we will flexibly repurchase our own shares in the range of 15 to 20 billion yen during the period of this medium-term management plan.


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